The Vincent Black Shadow hail from Vancouver, and I'll have to thank an old coworker for turning me onto them. I guess in a way she provoked me into listening to them, as she said, "Oh. The lead singer is Asian and tiny. Reminded me of you." Unfortunately, I don't sound like Gwen Stefani and I can't pull off dark eyeshadow like TVBS' vocalist, Cassandra Ford.
After listening to "Metro" in 2008, I was hooked. I've been a fan ever since, and I must admit, Cassie's voice is much more powerful than Gwen's, and she spits out a lot more spunk. (Sorry, Gwen, I'm a fan of yours too though!) To add to her vocal prowess, the guitarist is one of the most animated (and skilled) musicians I've ever seen on stage, and he has a great sense of humor. After attending one of their live shows, I could easily see the band's shining chemistry.
"Metro" has a hot chick, monsters and guns. What more can you want?
One of the songs from their last album, "El Monstruo" - Don't Make Me So Mad
One of the songs from their last album, "El Monstruo" - Don't Make Me So Mad
It's a shame that such a great band hasn't gotten the recognition they truly deserve, but I'm hoping great things happen for them in the future...!

Image via
Official site:
On myspace:
Here I am with Cassie and Rob... (2008)

1 comment:
wow, she's even tinier than you. =D
i remember michael and you went to watch the faint. he said that he showered everyone with his sweat while dancing crazy with you. everyone had to make a circle around the two of you. xD
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