Balenciaga Giant City
1. Phone cards
2. Measuring tape
3. Vintage aviators
4. Business cards
5. Bottled water
6. Neutrogena Hand Cream
7. Emergen-C packets
8. Nintendo DS
9. iPod Nano 16GB
10. Marc Jacobs pressed fragrance/compact
11. De La Luna wallet
12. Sustainable chopsticks
13. Ink pen
14. Nars lip gloss (clear)
15. Systane eye lubricant
16. Post-it notes
17. Chanel Rouge Allure lipstick ("Grace")
18. keys + Raphael key chain
19. Blackberry
But more importantly, I started a tumblr page for my WIPs (works in progress)! This way you can see extra photos of everything I am working on, including sketches of my own (or from other artists that inspire a certain costume/outfit). I'm debating whether or not to move concert photos to that page as well...
That's not just any bottle of water. That's Ralph's brand bottle of water. :)
lol #1 sustainable chopsticks
lol #2 korean flag on phone cards
that is a lot of stuff btw~
but not as much as most girls~
Amazing color!! I'm always curious to see what's in people's bags. :) I love all the japanese stuff you post on twitter btw haha
Now I'm gonna ask you to take my measurements with that tape measure when you come and create something that you think I might pull off...
The vintage avs rock the house lady!
I should show you what's in my European handbag.
JKJK ... this is great!
Nice Balenciaga, nice Korean flag cards, and I love how even your electronics seem to have a color theme. LOL
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