Yes.... Lady Gaga... in all her disco ball fantasmagoria.
I have yet to figure out how exactly to replicate the disco ball pieces but taking a trip to the fabric/trims stores in downtown LA this weekend should solve that dilemma. I also am short on muslin so hopefully I don't have to keep cutting samples until I get the fit right :(

(paper pattern pieces)
I started the bustier section tonight; it's more important for me to get this right so I can draft the skirt pattern from there... this is a basic bustier pattern with princess seams and ends right at the waist. 8 pieces total for the bustier. When I make the actual garment, I will need to fuse every piece of the bustier w/ thick interfacing, but for this sample I only need to make sure it fits my torso.

(cutting on the muslin)
So here we go! I have started 23 days earlier, but I know, and you know, that I'll probably be scrambling 5 days before and disregarding important bodily functions/routines like last year.
i cant wait to see this~
wow good luck xoxox
UM, WOW! That's ambitious, I can't wait to see how it turns out!!!
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